[9] Payne JD, Nadel L., 'Sleep, dreams, and memory consolidation: the role of the stress hormone cortisol'. Learn Mem. 2004 Nov-Dec;11(6):671-8.

[10] Hobson JA, Stickgold R, Pace-Schott EF, 'The neuropsychology of REM sleep dreaming'. NeuroReport: 16 February 1998 - Volume 9 - Issue 3 - p R1-R14

[11] Hobson, J. Allan, 'The Dream Drugstore: Chemically Altered States of Consciousness'. MIT Press, 2001.

[12] Accounts of psychedelic eidetic images becoming more intense with eyes closed or in a darkened room taken from subjective reports.

[13] Subjective accounts of combining doses of both ketamine and LSD with pre-doses of 800mg of galantamine and 500mg choline report the eidetic visuals of these respective experiences as extremely intense, impossible to stop, and impossible to steer in a conscious direction. 'Full-blown eyelid movie' was a telling snippet, and the fact that the images were not always pleasant and were impossible to control is another telling fact.

[14] Grof, S, 'LSD Psychotherapy'. MAPS, 3rd Edition, 2001.

[15] See “Psychedelic Neuroplasticity”

[16] Grinspoon L, Bakalar JB, 'Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered'. The Lindesmith Center, 1997.

[17] Cooper JR, Bloom FE, Roth RH, 'The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology'. Oxford University Press, NY, 7th ed., 1996.

[18] Accounts of experimentation with plant and pharmaceutical anticholinergics taken from subjective reports and a survey of psychedelic literature.

[19] Coren, S, 'Sleep Deprivation, Psychosis and Mental Efficiency '. Psychiatric Times. Vol. 15 No. 3, 1998.

[20] Zoe 7, 'Into The Void'. Worldwide Media, 2001.

[21] Arnett AM, 'Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) Poisoning'. Clinical Toxicology Review Dec 1995, Vol 18 (No 3)

[22] LaBerge SP, 'Substances that Enhance Recall and Lucidity During Dreaming'. Patent Application number: 10/604,138; Publication number: US 2004/0266659 A1; Filing date: Jun 27, 2003

[23] Cochen V, Arnulf I, Demeret S, et al., 'Vivid dreams, hallucinations, psychosis and REM sleep in Guillain-Barré syndrome'. Brain, ISSN 0006-8950. 2005, vol. 128 (11), pp. 2535-2545.

[24] Itil TM, 'Anticholinergic drug-induced sleep-like EEG pattern in man'. Psychopharmacologia. Lightroom 6 mac free software. 1969;14(5):383-93.

Citation: Kent, James L. Psychedelic Information Theory: Shamanism in the Age of Reason, Chapter 10, 'Eidetic Hallucination'. PIT Press, Seattle, 2010.
Keywords: eidetic hallucination, eidetics, psychedelics, dreams, dreaming, REM sleep
Copyright: © James L. Kent, 2010. Some Rights Reserved. Please read copyright information before reproducing.

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Related to eidetic: Eidetic imagery


denoting exact visualization of events or objects previously seen; a person having such an ability.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Relating to the power of visualization of and memory for objects previously seen that reaches its height in children aged 8-10.
2. A person possessing this power to a high degree.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adjective Referring to vividly precise and accurate recollection of objects, events, sounds or other imagery previously perceived.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Relating to the power of visualization of and memory for objects previously seen that peaks in children aged 8-10.

Eidetic Pronunciation

2. A person possessing this power to a high degree.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Strikingly vivid, detailed and accurate, allowing an extraordinarily lifelike imaging, or sometimes rehearing, of past experience.
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